Peace is Not Free!
It is the prospect of peace that brings us together. We long for a world where aggressive behavior is no longer acceptable at either the personal or political level. But as we all know, such an era is still in the far future. And because of this obvious fact, we must work together to make the cause of peace our solemn duty.
The Peace Coalition of Monterey County has been at the forefront of making this dream come true. But we cannot do it alone. We need dedicated activists and a bit of funding. You can help us by donating, or if you belong to an organization, renew you membership, or become a new member.
Help us help make the world a more peaceful place.
o $25 o $50 o $75 o $100 o $150 o $200
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________City ________________ State ______ Zip__________
E-mail Address:_____________________________________________________________________
o Organization: (Annual $50 for renewal or to become a new member)
Name of Organization________________________________________________________________
Leader: ________________________Phone: ________________ Email: ______________________
Website or Facebook:

Peace Coalition of Monterey County, 1364 Fremont Blvd., Seaside, CA 93955 — New Website: